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  • Istituto DIRPOLIS

master program ON “HUMAN RIGHTs AND CONFLICT MANAGEMENT” 2019: FOLGORE CONTINUES TO COOPERATE WITH SANT'ANNA school PRoviding training and guidance to the field’s future experts

Publication date: 16.07.2018
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The Sant’Anna School postgraduate training centre on human right protection, peacekeeping operations and peace building was established as a University Department to provide students the relevant skills for a career in human rights protection, democratisation and processes of reconciliation, with integrated, multi-disciplinary and multi-level support programs that include civilian and military capacities and field expertise. The Dirpolis (Law, Politics, Development) Institute of Sant’Anna School had therefore engaged in a cooperation programs with the Italian Ministry of Defence and organized courses jointly, ensuring the extensive experience of the Folgore Paratroopers Regiment.

Today, Sant’Anna School and Folgore still operate in the Master Course in Human Rights and Conflict Management to offer students, civilian and experts a comprehensive understanding of strategies and approaches to recovery and stabilisation, security, and the protection of civilians in armed conflict.

Interdisciplinary approach and training formed the basis of the two-day Folgore’s seminar in Livorno. Providing training and guidance to the field’s future experts, the Regiment paratroopers have just taught 20 Masters graduates lessons on radio communications, position location and navigation, ground mobility, and stress control in a theatre of operations.

As international crisis management has become more complex, multidimensional missions involving military personnel and civilians have played a central role facing international peace operations. Folgore’s teaching models integrate the better strategies for conflict resolution and reconciliation techniques combining theoretical and practical experience to actively participate in ensuring that the civilians are better equipped to handle conflict and humanitarian crises.